Wednesday 6 August 2014

Plum smoothie

Wonderfully delicious plum smoothie i had made this morning for my breakfast. Plum the beautiful fruit has some amazing nutrition facts. It also has good source of Dietary Fiber,Vitamin A and K. Plums are low in calories too.

Plums 5-6 
Banana 1/2
Milk 1/2 cup 
Blueberry yogurt 1/2 cup 
Honey 1 tbsp  (or as required)
Raisins 7-8
Ice as needed 

1. Blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth
2. Serve in a glass and enjoy 

My Notes 
1. If you don't have blueberry yogurt you can add strawberry or plain yogurt 
2. If you are using plain yogurt add more honey 
3. I am on a diet so cutting down my sugar, you can replace honey with sugar
4. If you find your smoothie sour, just add more honey / sugar. Sometimes few plums are very sour 

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