Tuesday 15 July 2014

Apple Almond Cinnamon Smoothie

 This morning i decided that i will go to gym in the morning. I just started my day with Apple cider and hit the gym. I ran  for 5 kms. After running i was so exhausted and needed some energy. So decided to make this smoothie.

Here you go simple, quick and easy smoothie ready in just 5 mins with simple ingredients.


Milk 1/4 cup
Apple 1/2
Peanut butter 1/4 tsp
Cinnamon powder 1/4 tsp
Honey 1/2 tsp ( you can add sugar instead of honey)
Ice cubes 4
Chia seeds 1/2 tsp

Method :

1. All you need to do is put this in a blender and ensure you blend it will.
2. Garnish with some cinnamon powder
3. You add more honey if you want it sweeter

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