Friday 4 July 2014

Green Green Green Smoothie

Green Green Green Smoothie

When i woke this morning, i was wondering what do i make. One my friend was saying when you wake up itself your mind starts working :-) I said with a smile yes :-) Then i jumped out of my bed and started making this lovely stuff


Spinach - 6-7 leaves
Apple - 1/2
Mango - 2 pieces
Flax and water melon seeds - 1/2 tsp
Honey - 1 tbsp (or more if you want it sweet)
Oats - 1 tbsp
Ice cubes
Litchi - 1


Blend all the above ingredients expect litchi. Once you blend it pour it in a glass and decorate with litchi or any other fruit you like and top it with honey.  

Enjoy :-)

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