Monday 21 July 2014

Apple cider n honey salad

I was out for 3 days, i had been to Delhi. And how can one not eat when we are in the Delhi. The capital of India. Where you get such lovely food. I just could not hold myself. So when i came back i decided this week i will keep it light and will work out hard. To keep myself balanced i am just going to be making some lovely salad and soup.

So here is a simple salad that i made for lunch.

Cucumber 1
Cherry tomatoes - 4
Cabbage - 1/4
Bell pepper - 1/4 (i used both yellow and red)
Carrot 1
Apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp
Honey 1tbsp
Kosher salt ( as per taste)
Chilli flakes

 Method :
1. Peel the cucumber, carrot, cabbage in stripes with a peeler.
2. Mix all the vegs in a bowl with the tomato and toss with vinegar, honey and salt. Sprinkle some chilli flakes and oregano

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